Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Math is a Journey

For me, math is like a journey where you learn oodles of stuff on the trip and every once in a while they stop the train and make you get off and tell how much you understand. Those stops always seem to come a little soon for me. I nearly always learn the material, just not in time to be annointed with a good grade on a test! Enlightenment often comes when the train is in motion again.

I had one of those stops today and don't yet know the damage. My current grade - with all items in but the final exam score - is hovering in the vicinity of a low "B". Low enough it could drift into "C" territory, depending on how much I really understood. Don't want to go there, but it's entirely possible this time.

I'm a solid "B" student in math - never pretended to be more. Got a few "A"s along the way that were likely undeserved. But a "C" would be a little hard to stomach.

On the bright side, I'm done! And a "C" would mean I passed and that's the goal. After all, "C" is supposed to be "average" and average really does describe my math skills. This was, by far, the hardest of all my four math courses, and I know I'll still struggle with the concepts until I use them a lot more. It was probably not a good idea to take this kind of course in an accelerated semester but, if the worst they can do is stamp me "average", I guess I can live with that.

Not that I'm a grade snob or anything. But I need to keep my GPA as high as possible for admission into Eller College next Spring. Admission is competitive and I want as many things going for me as I can muster.


ONE DAY LATER: Woohoo, I got a "B"!!!



Anonymous said...

You're right that a "C" is okay, but I really hope you get the "B" for keeping that GPA higher, as you hope to get into Eller College.

I hate to think what I'd get in math. A "Z"?


Anonymous said...

Awesome! B is definitely a LOT better than a C.