Saturday, October 27, 2007

Midway checkup

So, here I am about halfway through my first semester and have found a few things that may be useful to other students:

[] A lanyard is a great way to solve the where-the-heck-did-I-put-my-keys dilemma. No digging through all the pockets of my jeans & backpack, wondering if they fell out in the classroom, shuttle, or somewhere on campus. They're hanging around my neck! I also clip my jump drive on it so I'm ready to plop down at any computer and finish a paper or review a syllabus. I connected two of those eyeglass holder things together so it's a little more jewelry-like.

[] Speaking of backpacks, I haven't needed one for over a month. Maybe it's due to my current classes, but I've done just fine with an ordinary 1" 3-ring binder that contains only TODAY's stuff. Flylady ( sells what she calls her Office-In-A-Bag (OIB) that works perfectly. Basically it's a zippered lightweight canvas binder cover with a couple pockets and a handle. I'm going to add some length and shoulder padding to the handle. And one of those nerdy zipper pocket thingy clips inside the binder and holds my wallet, PDA, clicker, and extra pens & pencils so I don't need a purse, either.

[] Haven't needed my laptop computer in class since I preprint the pdf MIS lectures before leaving home and scribble notes directly on them during class. Never used it in English and certainly won't need it for Math. Besides, there are hundreds of computers available all over campus with the latest software that I can use between classes. Finding an open one is occasionally difficult, but I'm discovering the less-frequented computer labs (got a map in my binder!).

[] I carry single-use packets of antibacterial wipes for computer mice/keyboards so I hopefully won't pick up any colds or viruses. (One of many good suggestions by my husband!)

[] Inside the front cover of my binder is a School-Day Checklist to avoid any "senior moments" (forgotten items). I make myself review it each time I leave the house, even if I think I remembered everything (I usually haven't!).

[] Typed or handwritten homework assignments get three-hole punched and go straight into the binder so when I unzip the OIB, nothing falls out!

[] I carry extra H&R Block business cards for the rare occasion that someone needs my name and phone number. Why not take the opportunity to advertise? First day of Math class the prof had us exchange numbers with two classmates (so we could call each other -- not her -- if we miss a class and need info!) so I was glad I had them handy.

[] I'm already walking a LOT more than I did before college, but also take the opportunity to climb any staircases between my car and classroom, at least until the weather changes.

[] And the best hint of all of them: Do all the extra credit available because you never know when it will make a difference between an A and a B. I've overheard a few classmates calculating how little work they can get away with doing and still pass the class. They're not the norm, of course, but what a waste! Makes me want to call their mothers!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

No more "moseying!"

I've had a wonderful couple of weeks with just my two classes and a little homework to keep me on track. But this coming week I need to get down to business! I picked my retirement date intentionally knowing I was giving myself a two-week break before Math class, and boy it has been great! I admit I've been "moseying" a bit more than I probably should have, but sure needed the change of pace.

Someone warned me that after retirement I'd wonder how on earth I ever had time to work. I just didn't expect it to happen so soon! Tomorrow I have my first 3-hour math class (Mon/Wed) and I already know it's going to double (maybe triple?) the time I currently spend on homework. Pretty sure I can still get the extra stuff done around the house that I've enjoyed, I just need to get better organized and pick up the speed a bit.

I've been piecing together my schedule for the Spring 2008 semester and it looks even busier. I'll be in the second-to-last group to register (it stinks being a Freshman!) so who knows if the classes I want will even be available when I'm allowed on WebReg. I've got Plans B, C, and D at the ready, but even those might not work out. I'm aiming for the early morning classes knowing that these kiddies usually aren't early risers. However, I can't even register for Math until I have a final passing grade in the remedial class I've only just started. Yikes.

But it will all work out somehow. And I hope to be in the Honors College by the time I register for Fall 2008 and can register with the Juniors (yippee!). It's enough reason to want to keep my grades up.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Whew, I made it! Unemployed for the first time in 28 years! It's a really weird feeling. No reports to run, no spreadsheets to format, no phones to answer, no decisions to make. No offense intended to my department, but it became increasingly more difficult to do a good job as the years went on. It was almost a constant battle to do the job the way I thought was "right" while running interference with some who wanted me to conform to arbitrary standards. When that happens, it's time to leave.

And leave I did! With enough life left in these old bones to do something different with the second half of my earthly pilgrimage. Maybe not so different, because I'll still carry the same skills and love of details with me. Just a change in focus, at least for now, with four years of college looming on the horizon. Now I'll have time to concentrate and give it my best effort.

And there are things I'm looking forward to putting in the column headed "Mundane" such as: a relatively clean house (for once!), grocery shopping at a time when I'm not tripping over fellow 9-5 housewives, stocking a pantry and freezer with good home cooking, putting in a small garden, actually keeping up with the paperwork associated with life in the 21st century, rearranging a guest bedroom and a closet or two and, of course, hitting the library whenever I need to rather than trying to fit it in between working hours and errands.

Routines with a twist... TIME! Yippee!