Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New kitty, new semester

Whew, glad that's over with! Just finished my third shot at an accelerated semester (or is it my fourth?) and it sure doesn't get easier with practice. Managerial Accounting was VERY interesting, though, and definitely right up my alley (as they say!). Turns out I've done this stuff for years as a secretary without truly knowing how or what I was doing. But now it all is starting to make sense... Budgets, incremental analysis, present values, price-to-earnings ratios, etc.

Had a great teacher and probably the most attentive fellow students to date. Both those ingredients really help with focusing when we're covering a whole chapter every day. Either you "get it" or you don't because tomorrow we're on to the next chapter. Sheesh! At least 8 people out of my 50 classmates were taking it for the second time so they either failed it the first or tried again to get a better grade (they call that Grade Replacement Opportunity, and I hope I never have to use it!).

And on the home front is a darling new kitty (Puma) who is wearing the heck out of our other "baby" Oliver. They're about a year apart in age and just tear around and play all day (when they're not sleeping or eating, of course!). Here's some pics:

And Thursday I start my Spring Semester! (Deep breath)