Thursday, November 20, 2008

The state of stuff

Coming up on the end of the semester already! First is Thanksgiving break which is supposed to begin next Thursday but (alas!) my Wednesday classes are cancelled, too (aw, shucks!). Back on campus December 1st with just EIGHT class days left! Whew, it sure has come quickly.

Got the coveted "A" on my most recent Statistics test (barely!) and doing well in both Accounting and Classics so I should finish up this semester in good standing. I plan to take Managerial Accounting over Winter Break - that's [3 x 5 x 3] (3 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 3 weeks!). My accounting lab TA is teaching it and I like his no-nonsense approach.

I've also registered for Spring 2009: a foundation Economics course and another general education (Gen Ed) requirement. That's just 6 units - taking it REAL easy in the Spring so I have time to work at H&R Block. Summer school last summer put me ahead of the game so now I can afford this luxury without falling behind.

January and early February will be full of excitement as I get things together for professional admission to Eller College of Management as an Accounting major. Included are: a resume and application packet, a skills assessment, and a formal interview. If accepted, I could start my upper division classes as early as Summer 2009.

Haven't heard a peep from the summer internship people, but after doing a bit of research on the web, it does sound like too big a time commitment anyway. I'll keep my ears open for other opportunities to learn the hands-on practical business stuff another way.

Meanwhile, I'm feeling content with another good semester almost in the books and will have a bit of a break between the last day of class and the first day of Winter Session - about nine days with only two final exams scheduled. Time to count my blessings and get some home projects accomplished!


Anonymous said...

You're doing so well! I'm very excited for you.


Soul Level said...

I stole your Feedjit gadget. It's a lot of fun!