Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Not "too cool!"

The five others in my math presentation group and I were discussing whether the UA Library presentation room would be taken up by the Freshman Orientation occurring this month on campus. I said something about it being strange it was a whole year ago that I went through that orientation. One of the guys looked at me weird and asked, "Did you stay for the WHOLE thing?" As a matter of fact, I did. You only get once to be a college freshman and you may as well get the full treatment! Turns out he left part-way through because he was either bored or couldn't be bothered. Maybe that's one of the differences between his generation and mine. We've figured out at age 50+ that we're not "too cool" for stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I think by this age we're more comfortable with who we are and therefore more comfortable with others. We're more patient, more respectful of other people, and/or organizations. We know we don't know everything and we might just save ourselves ALOT of headache down the road if we take the time now to listen and learn.