Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My afternoon

Sold an old desktop computer on eBay yesterday for a little over $100 (yay). Now have to figure out how to erase hard drive (boo). Found free open-source software that will do it (yay). Copied it to CD from new computer, carried to old computer to install. Needs to connect to internet (boo). (Old computer is dial-up only!). Better to purchase reputable product from Best Buy ($20, boo). Came home, inserted CD, it ALSO needs to connect to internet (boo)! Tried connecting phone line... nothing. Oh, yeah, fried internal modem years ago in lightning storm (boo). Where did we put that external modem? Hmm, think we donated it (boo). Okay, try ethernet from newer cable modem we are now using. Nope, doesn't work (boo). Okay, how much would computer store charge to perform service? Umm, $75 (boo). Back to square one. Need a cheap modem. Almost out the door to Radio Shack but dark recesses of brain remembered old Bluetooth modem. Where did we put that? Hmm, found a Dynex Wireless dongle (don't ask). Doesn't look like a modem, but what the heck, plug it in. System recognized it (yay). Asked for accompanying CD (boo). Found CD in old storage (yay). Installed and connected to Apple Airport (yay!). Logged in and finally installed Drive Scrubber (yay). Rebooted three times (this old computer is GLACIAL!) before looking for more info at to find I needed to change boot order (boo). Finally figured out how to do that and it is now "scrubbing"! Yay! (Maybe not worth $100+!). Tomorrow: packing and shipping!


Jocelyn said...

Look at you tallying up the pluses and minuses here!

Gotta say, by the end, you should have just paid them $100 NOT to take it.

Becky C. said...

I'm starting to agree! It took SIXTEEN hours to wipe the drive! Fortunately I didn't have to babysit it. Hope the new user can reinstall the operating system with the disks cuz I ain't even tryin'!

Jan said...

Wow, yikes!

Soul Level said...

I'm with Jocelyn, I'd a paid them.

Jocelyn said...

Just popping back to tell you how much I enjoy and appreciate the comments you leave for me...The way you relate to your own life always makes them more meaningful than something "pat."