Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I think there's less competition

Lately I've noticed something about my accounting class that seems a little different from last semester. The really smart kids aren't quite as smug. Can't put my finger on it, and maybe its just me and a shift in MY attitude, but I do hear the smart kids haggling more with the prof over a point here and there on a quiz or exam as though they think they're going to need that point when the final tally is made. They're still smart, just not so cocky now. Don't know if they're finding the material more challenging... I'm actually finding it just a sliver easier - maybe due to an adjustment downward in my expectations! Anyway, it's a refreshing change.

By throwing caution to the winds and allowing the department to place me in a random Business Communications class this semester, I ended up in a 3:30 pm class with the "PM Cohort" and learned something that seems so obvious now. I've always been a "morning person" - more energy and/or active brain cells happening before 10:00 am than anytime after. So my assumption was to select the "AM Cohort" preference on my Eller entrance paperwork. Turns out I'm SO MUCH happier to have mornings to STUDY and prepare for an afternoon classtime. Huh! Better late than never, I guess!

My summer classes are in place now. Macroeconomics in the super-condensed Pre-session (so I guess I'll learn a LOT about very LARGE economic theories in a very SHORT time period! Ack!). Then Summer One is my next accounting class - an elective: Intro to Federal Taxation. (Hoping this one will be a bit easier due to my H&R Block experience... hoping!) Then Summer Two is Quantitative Financial Management. I'll be available to analyze your portfolio in August... NOT!


Jocelyn said...

Just the names of your classes hurt my head.

Interesting breakthrough, in realizing that your best hours should be devoted to studying, not classtime! It makes sense.

Personally, when students haggle with me ("Where'd the two points go on my 8/10 assignment?"), my answer has become, "Where'd the 8 points come from, exactly? Can you justify the 8 I gave you? If not, I may have to re-assess, and I might come up with only 7 the next time."

Soul Level said...

Got an F on a creative writing prompt one time and asked the prof why..."It's as low as I'm allowed to go, " she said.

christopher said...

Not that the subjects would be my first pick...but I am a bit envious of your situation.

I would love to be in a position to be a full time student again.