Well, it has been a relatively uneventful summer, but a productive one. Made it through with my GPA intact and learned some interesting stuff along the way. Got a bit of a scare in the Cost Accounting class - enough that I think I'm more mentally prepared for the Fall semester than I would have been otherwise. That scare caused me to drop the Art History class so I could focus on MIS, just in case it was as intense as accounting. It wasn't, but that gave me a nice break anyway. I'll pick up the Art credits some other summer.
One interesting event in MIS 304 is I met a fellow accounting student who is OLDER than me! (And I didn't think that was possible! Ha!) She is a semester ahead of me right now but is also working full time and only taking a class or two at a time so by Christmas we'll be "even" and by next summer I'll probably be ahead of her so we likely won't have any more classes together. It's just nice to know I'm not quite as alone as I thought. She's generously loaning me textbooks for several non-accounting classes she has already taken. I'll buy my own accounting textbooks since I intend to keep them, but the rest will come in real handy.
As of now I'm enrolled in four Fall classes, but I fully intend to drop one and just stick with three. (Haven't dropped the Business Communications class yet because I want to get my hands on the syllabus to have a better idea what the requirements will be when I *do* take it.) I really feel I can do so much better with only three subjects at a time. And all three happen to be Monday/Wednesday classes. Eller doesn't schedule anything on Fridays but I've heard it is a popular day for "group meetings" for the classes that have group assignments. That will leave me Tuesdays and Thursdays at home for homework. I like that a lot.
I'm also registered for the 1-credit Golf class but it doesn't start until October and will be just a couple hours on Tuesday/Thursday mornings. I hope by that time I'm in enough of a routine with the other classes that it won't interfere. In fact, it will probably prove to be a nice diversion.
So, starting next Monday I'll have nearly four solid hours of class in the morning and then repeat it again on Wednesday. Intermediate Accounting, Marketing, and Management. Same professor for Accounting as I had during the summer - she's tough but good. I'm excited and hope to learn a lot!
1 year ago
1 comment:
You are the best planner and most organized student! Wow. I love that you want to see the syllabus for the Bus Comm class now...just for the future.
And golf in October? What could be lovelier? The best possible stress relief, just when the semester is heating up.
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