Five classes, seven textbooks and this is the bill for my upcoming Fall semester
if I were to purchase everything at the UA Bookstore! I usually don't. Half.ebay.com is a great resource, and sometimes other websites. Fortunately I've already found two of the seven for nearly half the used price listed, but a couple I will probably end up getting at the Bookstore as they often require the accompanying CD or internet code. Whenever it says "textbook bundle", I at least have to go in and see what all is in the bundle. Oh, and they almost never have books available at the "used" price.
If I had to pay for tuition on top of that... yikes! So, I'm not griping.
Wow, yeah. Way beyond "free"!
I think textbooks, esp those sold in the campus bookstore, are the biggest racket there is. Personally, I've been fighting in my dept for years for the right to go text-less...
Hang in there, and sell a kidney if you need to.
I love you respect you but don't understand you, I still think you are crazy.......I would rather watch 6 4year olds and 3 babies that do what you are doing....lol
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