Monday, November 24, 2008

Admiration for professors

If you want to know what a college professor has to endure to teach these young minds in spite of the students' best efforts to remain uneducated (!), just read this blog entry by a college English professor in Minnesota. Students REALLY DO exist like the one she describes - more often than you'd hope!

O Mighty Crisis

It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad!


Jocelyn said...

Oh, you're so sweet! And what a surprise. I saw your comment and came over here to shout out a howdy, and then, look at this.

You've made my day.

Soul Level said...

Great post by Jocelyn.

BUT!!! Lest we think that this is a characteristic only of the modern student consider the words of Libanius, the 4th Century Athenian Professor:

“…(students) squander the precious resources of their fathers on wine, gaming, expensive dining and other entertainment. (They) refused to attend classes, and when they did attend, laughed loudly and inappropriately and chatted with their fellows during the lectures. “

Students formed gangs that engaged in frequent street battles with supporters of rival professors. “Their rioting and carousing sometimes engulfed the whole city. How the Athenians must have hated them! Imagine the disrepute that attached itself to the name scholastikos!”

For more information check out Google Books: J.W.H. Walden. I think there's a downloadable book there on early universities.