Friday, November 30, 2007

Nearly Done!

Almost done! But a lot still to do. December 6th is officially "dead day" or, as they call it now, "reading day" (what the heck is that?!), and all the Final Exams come after. I only have one class period left in my two UA classes and two class periods left in Pima Math. The end sure has come fast!

Since Pima is on a different schedule, I'll actually take my math final on Dec 5th (please pray!). It will be cumulative over all the stuff we've learned since mid-Oct. Got a LOT of reviewing to do!

My English final is just a major rewrite of a paper we already turned in. They want to see how we do when analyzing and revising our own work. Piece of cake.

My MIS final is optional! It is used to replace a bad grade we may have gotten on a previous exam or project during the semester. I'm pretty sure I've done well enough on the other stuff I won't need to take the final. They haven't posted our grade from Project 4 and Project 5 is due tomorrow, but I'm confident those grades will be better than anything I could get on a final exam.

I anticipate getting an A in both MIS and English and probably a C in Math. The math grade won't count at the UA - since it's remedial, it transfers as pass/fail. I only need a C or better and right now I'm getting a B (yay!).

So, my To-Do list between now and dead day is as follows:

English -
1) Finish Essay 3 - Cultural Analysis
2) Revise Essay 2 for final - due Dec 7th

3) Design simple web page for imaginary Bicycle Delivery business

Math -
4) Homework 11 consisting of 64 problems
5) Homework 12 consisting of 31 problems (logarithms!)
6) Two Reflective Journals
7) Study for final exam on Dec 5th

So I'd better stop wasting time and get busy!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Sounds like plenty to do!