Financial Accounting Part 2 is as hard as Part 1 was last semester, but with a different professor. I like both profs, actually. Had this one for Introductory Accounting in Fall 2008 (wow, that seems like forever ago!), so I'm already familiar with - and like - her teaching style. But the material is very difficult and we move much too fast for my liking. My first exam grade wasn't great, but was good enough to make the rest of the semester salvagable as long as I continue to work hard. Exam 2 is coming up fast, and Exam 3 (the Final) will be (horrors!) cumulative! (Ack, ya mean I gotta remember this stuff??!)
The Business Communications class, which I had somewhat dreaded, is actually fun. The professor is a kooky/likeable guy who isn't all that personally invested in the outcome of our collective performance (the way I heard some of the BNAD professors have been in the past... and present!). He's a professional writer by trade and has taught us a lot about condensing our writing and polishing up what I thought was pretty decent writing. We've covered routine, negative-news, and persuasive letters, memos, emails, formal reports, and a presentation. The group project is starting up now and it looks like I'm in a fun group.
Working at the H&R Block tax office around 15-25 hours a week cuts into my study time a bit, but I'm handling it. Enjoying seeing most of my repeat clients even though our numbers are down a bit overall this year. I'm anxious for April 15 to get here.
Took quiz #5 in accounting just this morning. Don't know yet how I did, but having that quiz score in the gradebook is something of a turning point in the semester. All future quizzes will only count if I score better than the first five (only our highest five scores count). I always like having that flexibility - and it helps (a little) with the old test-anxiety ogre that sits on my shoulder and tries to scramble my brain!
So it's onward and upward from here. Already planned out my summer sessions (all three of 'em), fall semester (just two classes), winter session (one class), and spring semester (two more). With any luck I'll graduate a year from this May and only have two "fun" sophomore-type classes to finish that summer after graduation. They let you graduate as long as your core courses are complete and you can finish up the leftovers in summer session.
I'm seeing a faint glow on the horizon, now!