Bailout... Financial crisis... Foreclosure... Bankruptcy... They can all be explained by one word: GREED. Here, climb on the soapbox with me; we've all got plenty to say on this.
Two sides of greed blew up in our faces. There's the average lower-to-middle class American who jumped into the housing market at a level just a bit higher than they could afford (or a lot higher!). And there's the financial big boys who were glad to grant a shaky mortgage to said American because it nicely padded their already large paycheck. Of course it's not exactly that simple, and there are a lot of scenarios that don't fit into that snapshot but, absent these two factors, we wouldn't be where we are now.
A lot of Americans have lost sight of the substance of a good life. It isn't the *things* you buy or the gated community you live in or the size of the flat screen TV in your livingroom. (Not that there's anything wrong with those!) But it's the whole stupid idea that you can live beyond your means without having to pay the piper at some point...
Unfortunately the piper bill is being delivered in bulk mail to many American households.
One of the best "money" books I've ever read was part of the very first college class I took in the summer of 2007. The class was "Money, Consumers and the Family" and it featured two books by the same authors that helped explain how the financial "rules" have changed in the last 50 years in America. Of the two books, my favorite is "All Your Worth" and I think it should be required reading for every college student (and for non-college students!). You can get the gist of the book on their website here. It's all about living within your means.
I sure wish more Americans had heeded these precautions before getting in over their heads. Now we ALL owe the piper!
1 year ago