Friday, March 28, 2008


Overheard in Math class...

Female student to her girlfriend: "I've got to like get my nose pierced again because I think it like grew back together. I had a cold last week and was like sneezing and everything and had to take it out and now I can't get it back in again. Actually I was able to push like an earring through so maybe it's okay but I just need to get another nose ring like as soon as possible. Can you go with me?"

Overheard on the parking lot shuttle...

Regular all-American caucasian guy to girl who also had a non-distinctive American accent: "Hey, I haven't seen you since last spring. How are you? Are you still learning Arabic?"
Girl: "Yeah, but it's pretty difficult."
Guy: "I know. I dropped the class. I'm going to pick it up again when I get back to Cairo. It just has no relevance here. I can't wait to get back to Cairo... sit at a cafe and soak up the rhythm of the world. It just feels too weird here. There's no pulse. What did you do last summer?"
Girl: "We went to my inlaws in Amman, Jordan. It's such a beautiful city. We were there almost six weeks. We can't move until he gets his degree, but we're already looking at property there. It's really expensive but I think he can get a good job right away. I can't wait to move."

And my personal favorite - overheard in Math class last semester...

Guy student to math teacher: "I'm only going to do 75% of the homework because I only need a "C" in this class."

Monday, March 17, 2008

Time to breathe!

Ahhh, Spring Break! A chance to breathe and get caught up on a bunch of things - house-related:

- Curtains for the TV room
- Get rid of the old china hutch (finally!)
- Reorganize my desk area
- Plant new garden stuff
- Put in shrubs along back fence
- Weed our half-acre backyard! (15 minutes at a time)

...And school-related:

- Study for Map Quiz in Latin America class
- Get ahead on Math homework
- Get a better grasp on logarithms ( is great)
- Write my Annotated Bibliography for English
- Start on my Documented Argument (English again)

Wait a minute, I don't think I have time to be writing in this blog!